A Note from Shameera

There's something magical about the art of written expression.  As a child writing poetry was my outlet.  As an adult, I've been a professional technical writer and have helped countless others improve their writing ability.  In 2020, I found my passion for writing children's books.  Actually, it's not just a passion; it's a calling.  I believe God has called me to use my gift of rhyme and writing talents to spread His message of faith, hope and love.  So, here I am, diving headfirst into the world of Christian-based books. 

Growing up in a household filled with faith - yep, I'm a PK (preacher's kid), I've always believed in the power of storytelling to inspire and uplift.  My newest book, "Bubble Wrapped Kids," is a testament to my belief in the power of faith-filled, affirming and diverse literature for children. Through the power of rhyme, I aim to create stories that celebrate the beautiful tapestry of God's creation. 

I'm thrilled to have met you here and can't wait to embark on the journey together.  Your support means the world to me, and I'm excited to share my stories with you and your little ones. 

Here's to faith, family, and the divine adventure ahead!

